Saturday, February 4, 2012

35 weeks and counting!

I am 35 weeks and anxiously waiting March 8th when we are going to induce. I am so excited for JT to be here and for Will to have a little brother. I know there will be some adjustments for everyone but it will be so worth it! I'm so glad they will be so close in age! This pregnancy has definitely been much harder than when I was pregnant with Will. I'm always running with him and don't get to rest like I did when I was pregnant with Will. I try to rest a lot on the weekends when Travis is home and it gives him time to spend with Will. This time around, I am only taking 6 weeks off of work since it's towards the end of the year. When I return, we were fortunate enough to have family each take a week to watch both Will and JT and then Travis will be home for 2 weeks with them. That way we are keeping them both out of daycare! It will be nice having them both home to spend time with each of them. Please continue to pray for a healthy delivery for our new little bundle of joy!

31 weeks

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