It's true....Travis and I are expecting a new little bundle of joy in February and we couldn't be more excited. We returned to Dallas on Father's Day from a very relaxed, week long vacation in Florida with my parents. I knew I was a day late but was so scared to take a test because I didn't want to see "not pregnant" on there again. Travis convinced me to take one any way. So, he went to our neighbors house to get the mail and I ran to take one so I could be myself in case the results were not what we were hoping. When I saw "Pregnant" I started crying because I was thrilled beyond belief. I hurried up and called Travis to tell him to come home. He kept asking me if everything was ok. I simply said "Happy Father's Day!" Travis came running through the door with tears in his eyes. We just hugged and cried together because we couldn't wait for this day to come and then to happen on Father's Day made it more perfect for Travis. I think for the next hour or so while I called family, I carried the test around and kept looking at it because I couldn't believe we were going to have a baby. The first person I called was my dad. It was the best moment for me to tell him he was going to be a grandpa. I'm not sure who is more excited him or my mom. They are going to be amazing grandparents!
Travis is going to be such an amazing dad. I can't wait to see our little bundle arrive and how he interacts with our baby. We call it our little peanut and every day when he leaves for work and every morning when he comes home from work, he rubs my belly and says "I love you peanut." It's the sweetest thing! Of course, he's rooting for a boy and I would love to have a little girl but as long as it is a healthy baby then we will be happy with whatever God blesses us with. We are so excited about the next several months and are anxious to watch my belly grow. We go in for our first sonogram on July 10th and can't wait to see our peanut. Please pray for us as we go through this journey. Thank you for letting us share our wonderful news with you! We can't wait for everyone to meet Baby Terrell!